Gap closure and braces
Gaps between teeth is a common problem faced by the general population of all ages. Several causes lead to gaps between teeth and it becomes important to understand and diagnose the cause foreffective gap closure that prevents recurrence.
Do all cases of spacing and gaps require braces treatment?
The answer is no. Braces apply gentle, continuous pressure to move teeth into the desired position over time. Wires, brackets, and elastics work together to align teeth and close gaps. Braces are usually indicated for children from ages 12 and up and young adults. Natural bone growth is utilized for tooth movement. Braces treatment is of a longer duration and the resultant gap closure is faster and more
effective in the younger population. Braces are effective in cases of habits, smaller teeth with big jaws, spaces due to misaligned teeth etc.
Gaps due to pathological conditions require replacement of the missing teeth withbridge/implants/dentures. Unreplaced
missing teeth cause movement of the remaining teeth into themissing space leading to disturbance of bite and function.